Focal Points In the Garden

Focal Points In the Garden

Focal Points In the Garden Focal points are just that, you’re walking along and something catches your eye. When this happens something magical happens in the brain. First we use all of our senses so that we can understand what it is. Then the brain sends out that...
Walkways and Pathways

Walkways and Pathways

Walkways & Pathways So there is a difference between a walkway where one has to go from say the front door to the garden or from the patio to the driveway. Some are pretty standard at 4 feet wide others may be 6 feet wide. The trick is really knowing which your...
Retaining Walls

Retaining Walls

Retaining Walls The beauty of retaining walls is multifaceted. What better way to protect your native soils than with a native stone wall. The bold structure of stone adds interest and strength. No two walls are ever alike. Most of the stone used comes from Tn and the...
Dry Riverbeds

Dry Riverbeds

Dry Riverbeds This element in the garden is one of my favorites. Each time someone says to me, “I have a drainage issue” I get a little excited. For me a drainage issue means an opportunity to be creative! Now having said that not all riverbeds function the same. Some...